Advantages of Schooling From a Young Age

Advantages of Schooling From a Young Age

        Children at an early age are very important to be given freedom and positive influence on their mind, children tend to learn from seeing and hearing adults or people in their environment, it is not retroactive that this is what makes parents worried about the content of the child's memory that will affect the pattern of behavior in adulthood, not least from parents , start educating children from an early age, but there are also parents who give restraint to the child to stay indoors to avoid negative things in his environment so as to create social psychic pressure on the child that will certainly affect him in adulthood that allows him to live in a closed or even anti-social life. It is very important for parents to learn that the child will not become a developing child if he continues to be given restraints and necessities on the child who closes his social environment. Let's look at the influence of social environment and early education on the child. 

          Many parents or some of them think that young children are only allowed to stay and play enough until the age of six/seven years, others of the parents assume and believe that it is important for children to go to school as soon as possible. This has a huge influence on the memory of the child, where the treatment and response of these parents affects their children. For example parents who only give up their children to keep playing and at home until the age of 6/7 years, while for formal education outside the home is given at the age of even 8 years, this certainly has a negative impact on the child where he will only know to play, without knowing reading or anything else that lags behind in terms of formal education in school than other children, then how to profit from the influence of the response of parents who provide education to children from an early age, well this is very important to be shown a very large comparison and difference from how children are affected by the actions and decisions of parents from the moment the child is born and began to grow up. 

           The advantages of attending school from a young age in children will certainly encourage the mindset, as well as behavior in the child where the child will know more quickly the right or wrong thing to do, also affect the intellectual level of the child in terms of reading, writing or even remembering and solving problems wisely and critically than other children. 

             An example in my own life is that when I was a child I was given a formal education in terms of religion as well as being given social freedom of interaction with my environment, I thought it had influenced me to act at a time when I was more responsive in terms of distinguishing right and wrong, reading, hearing and speaking. I think from an early age I have been able to distinguish things that are worth talking about in terms of distinguishing harsh and subtle words, how I speak to the older or to the peers. This education that I get also affects my faith in the creator where I am required to pray 5 times correctly and correctly. 

        In this case it should be emphasized that in the review above gives an overview of how the advantages and disadvantages of the act of teaching and education in children from the young age of the parents, where education and social environment greatly influence it in terms of responses to doing right and wrong and more quickly understand and respond to problems from a young age


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