Piles Of Cars On The Highway

Topic :

Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now 'one big traffic jam' & How true do you think this statement is? What measures can governments take to discourage people from using their cars?

   Piles Of Cars On The Highway

    The use of highways as a crossing route for people to go to work or as a crossing between cities is common for people throughout the country. Even for their journey to be faster they often use vehicles that generally use cars, because in addition to cars can be faster can also avoid users from all weathers and can bring more people than other vehicles. 

    Often because of urgent matters or work that can’t be delayed people prefer to do it while on the way to their destination because it makes them not waste time . This makes its users expand to create a large traffic jam in some countries because many users of cars pass by without following the directions of traffic properly and the indecisiveness of the highway officers who can’t regulate the users. 

    Then which country has been recorded as a country with the highest congestion due to car ownership that has increased so rapidly over the last thirty years in several major cities? In the first place there are the cities of Beijing, China, the second place Manila, the Philippines, the third city of Mexico, Mexico, the fourth city of San Paolo, Brazil and the last city of Monte Carlo, Monaco including the city of Jakarta, Indonesia. These are the cities with the highest congestion with the dominant use of cars in their congestion. 

    Then what steps should the government take in overcoming and reducing the use of cars on the highway so that congestion can be avoided? The government can limit the ownership of private car vehicles with increased taxes and high import duties and require road users with close purposes to only use public vehicles that have been provided by the government which of course this is a demand for the government to provide fast lanes in general for the public, this has been proven by some countries such as Singapore, London and Stokholm that we can do in reducing congestion due to these four-wheeled vehicles. 

     In fact the right thing in reducing this congestion can be overcome together by fostering a sense of the importance of awareness of this congestion, which of course must be done immediately for the cooperation of the government and the community in order to reduce congestion Together. It is also necessary to realize the importance of this congestion to be addressed immediately in relation to the prevention of excessive stockpiling of car ownership so as to cause more congestion due to the use of cars on the highway for it is expected that the government can immediately follow up


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