Traditional Education Cannot Be Replaced Just Like That

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 “Online education is becoming more and more popular. Some people claim that e-learning has so many benefits that it will replace face-to-face education soon. Others say that traditional education is irreplaceable”.

Traditional Education Cannot Be Replaced Just Like That

        Online education is increasingly popular among the community, especially among students, making some people think that e-learning has had a huge impact on them so that it is expected to soon replace face-to-face education in schools and in certain course places in Education, but what impact for students who have not been able to understand how to use technology in this learning, especially in response to online education today due to limited areas where there are no signals and adequate technology information? 

       Online education is now a priority considering that the earth in all corners of the world is experiencing a corona pandemic with its rapid spread resulting in 9.87% death, so this makes the world panic in doing face-to-face because it is feared to be affected by this corona virus. governments throughout the country also urged their citizens to stay indoors and isolate independently if they are found to have contracted the corona virus. even in Education, the Indonesian government encourages and requires online learning activities. 

         But how does this relate to people who do not support their learning facilities because online learning requires advanced technology and adequate internet?. this becomes a separate responsibility where parents are required to provide these facilities to their children in supporting their education, internet quotas that must be provided every month in large numbers become a problem and a citizen's tant against the government so that this becomes an additional responsibility for the government to contribute free quotas to the community in supporting Education. 

       This makes its own response that face-to-face education or traditional education will not be replaced as well given that there are still many areas whose education is not evenly distributed throughout Indonesia, especially in the border areas of Indonesia with other countries. this will be very difficult for them in doing education online where the signals and communication technology that they cannot get, so forced for them to continue to do education face-to-face. plus the economic burden for parents who finance their education in supporting their learning facilities will be a separate the do at a time if education continues to be done online, so I think this traditional education at any time will not be replaced considering the facilities that are not evenly available both for the teachers and for the students themselves


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